The State and Buddhism: The Power Relations Between the State and the Thai Sangha

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Phrakhrudhammakut (Suttipot Sappaso)
Ketsada Phathong
Sukit Chaimusik


Sangha governance has existed since the Buddha's time, with the Lord Buddha as the supreme ecclesiastical ruler. During the early period of the Buddha, the Vinaya had not been established. Because most monks who come to ordination have the same intention. Entering into the practice of celibacy in order to attain the highest level of Dhamma is nirvana. The objectives of this qualitative research study were: 1) to study the power relations between the state and the Thai Sangha; 2) to study the role of power relations between the state and the Thai Sangha; and 3) to analyze the trend and direction of the power relations between the state and the Thai Sangha. The research was divided into three phases: Phase 1 involved documentary research. Phase 2 involved in-depth interviews with key informants, totaling 30 individuals. Phase 3 included focused group interviews with qualified individuals and experts, totaling 12 individuals. Data analysis across all three phases employed content analysis techniques within the context and verified data completeness using triangulation techniques.

The research revealed that, in Phase 1, it was found that Buddhism under the state exhibited a characteristic in terms of providing guidance in governance. An example was the case of the Lord Buddha laying down political principles and governance to King Licchavi, who governed in a moral and democratic manner, or confederation, considered to be one of the most democratic forms of governance at that time.

In Phase 2, it was found that the state played a role in supporting and protecting the religious aspects. The Sangha had a continuous role in politics and governance because Buddhism did not emerge and exist in isolation but was an integral part of society, interconnected with people's lives and various institutions, including those related to the economy, politics, and culture.

In Phase 3, it was found that Buddhism serves as a constructive force for the harmonization of society. It is an institution that transmits and instills culture and social ethics, with the responsibility of functioning as a mechanism to control the behavior of members of society. It aims to create equality in all aspects of society, including the economy, society, and politics, following the teachings of the Lord Buddha.


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How to Cite
(Suttipot Sappaso), P., Phathong, K., & Chaimusik, S. (2024). The State and Buddhism: The Power Relations Between the State and the Thai Sangha. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 630–643. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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