Analysis of Craft Beer Attributes Affecting Consumer Preference

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Piyawan Julniam
Chompunuch Nantajit
Chakrit Potchanasin
Kamonrat Thirapong
Suvaporn Phasuk
Chayada Bhadrakom
Krit Iemthanon


This research aims to study the characteristics of craft beers that influence consumer preference by using quantitative methodology. Research selected samples who are in Bangkok metropolitan area. The sample group consists of individuals aged 20 and above who have consumed craft beer at least three times. A total of 300 samples were analyzed using the Conjoint Analysis model. The study found that characteristics of craft beers that satisfy the consumers are the craft beers in bottles or cans, with a golden color, clear or translucent, moderate bitterness (IBUs between 30-60), a fruity aroma, and an alcohol content of 5% or higher. Regarding the price of a 330ml craft beer, consumers prefer a price per bottle equal to 150 Baht. The results suggest that producers and business owners should consider these results as supported information for planning production and elaborating marketing strategies to attract the consumers in the future.

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How to Cite
Julniam, P., Nantajit, C., Potchanasin, C., Thirapong, K., Phasuk, S., Bhadrakom, C., & Iemthanon, K. (2024). Analysis of Craft Beer Attributes Affecting Consumer Preference. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1601–1616. Retrieved from
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