Cultural Capital Dimensions Based on Intellectual Creativity in Music Culture Towards Enhancing Sustainable Community Potential

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Suchat Saengthong


A music culture, which plays a role in reflecting society, creates values and beliefs in musical works. This research aimed to study the cultural capital dimensions based on intellectual creativity in music culture towards enhancing sustainable community potential through qualitative research and data collection from a synthesis of the documents and participatory action learning with 10 music cultural experts.

The study revealed that cultural capital dimensions based on intellectual creativity in music culture, including musicology, music philosophy, and the cost of imagination, were used to design a variety of academic music works. However, this knowledge was beneficial to the study of music, poetry, and art in the intellectual innovation and creation of communities upstream on the Chao Phraya River through the knowledge and wisdom, learning processes, creative thinking, and abilities towards sustainable community potential, we continued to develop more valuable cultural capital and create value that will effectively benefit the local area.

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How to Cite
Saengthong, S. (2024). Cultural Capital Dimensions Based on Intellectual Creativity in Music Culture Towards Enhancing Sustainable Community Potential. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 998–1011. Retrieved from
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