The Image of Women in Short Stories of Deuanwad Pimwana

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Korrada Sukhum
Sompong Mulmanee


This article aimed to study images of women and the image presentation methods used in 36 short stories by author Deuanwad Pimwana, with a total of 44 female characters. This qualitative research used an image study as a framework. The findings of the research were that images of women in the short stories by Deuanwad Pimwana were divided into three areas. Firstly, the family images appeared as negative images of wives, such as abused wives, abandoned wives, immoral wives, power-obsessed wives, absorbed wives, misleading wives, wives who fall out of love, deceitful wives, attention-seeking wives, and disappointed wives. In contrast to this were other images of women who appeared as positive, compassionate wives, loyal wives, independent wives, and wives who consented to a relationship. Additionally, negative images of children, such as abused children and intolerable children, are used. Secondly, the individual female images appeared as negative images, such as self-indulgent women, power-obsessed women, unrequited-love women, women who want to win, and women with mental health problems; in contrast, other images appeared as positive images of women who have dreams, hopeful women, reliable women, true love-seeking women, desirable women, women of gender diversity, and self-aware women. Thirdly, the social images appeared as negative images of female sex workers, women who resist social values, and women who are dishonest in their professions, but also images that express positive women, such as being a devoted teacher. There were 3 methods used in regard to image presentation methods: direct character presentation, indirect character presentation, and the presentation of comparable characters. Knowledge from this research is the use of image theory to analyze female characters in literature. It makes it possible to look at literature from a more profound perspective, and the study of the image reflects the problems of women in Thai society.

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How to Cite
Sukhum, K., & Mulmanee, S. (2024). The Image of Women in Short Stories of Deuanwad Pimwana. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 1012–1031. Retrieved from
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