The Premprachakorn Canalside Community Health Management Model for Driving Thailand’s Sustainable Development Goals: A Premprachakorn Canalside Community Development Project: Pracharuamjai 2 Community, Bangkok

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Phairoj Butchiwan
Chanthana Udom


The Premprachakorn Canalside Community Health Management Model for Driving Sustainable Development Goals aimed to: 1) study the components of the model; 2) develop and validate the model; and 3) recommend guidelines for model implementation. The mixed research design consisted of three phases: Phase 1 involves qualitative research from a document study and key informant opinions of 30 people, purposefully selected.; Phase 2 comprises quantitative research from a sample group of 200 people, using cluster random sampling; and Phase 3 involves qualitative research from the opinions of key informants of 11 people, purposefully selected. Tools utilized included: 1) textbooks, literature, and research; 2) semi-structured interview forms; and 3) questionnaires. Statistical analyses included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, component analysis, the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM), and content analysis. The research findings revealed that:

1. Components of the Premprachakorn Canalside community health management model included factors determining community health, residents' attitudes and feelings, and management of health in the Premprachakorn Canalside community.

2. The results of model creation and validation meet all criteria for external and internal model evaluation using the PLS-SEM method and can explain the outcomes of the Premprachakorn Canalside community health management model by 71.8 percent.

3. The Premprachakorn Canalside community health management model was consistent with quantitative and qualitative analysis results and can be applied to enhance sustainable development goals in the future.

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How to Cite
Butchiwan, P., & Udom, C. (2024). The Premprachakorn Canalside Community Health Management Model for Driving Thailand’s Sustainable Development Goals: A Premprachakorn Canalside Community Development Project: Pracharuamjai 2 Community, Bangkok. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1560–1583. retrieved from
Research Articles


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