Guidelines for Development of Innovative Leadership for School Administrators under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Mukdahan

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Theerawut Chantapan
Sumalee Sriputtarin
Jaruwan Kheawnamchum


This article aimed to: 1) study the current and desirable situations for innovative leadership for school administrators; 2) assess the needs for innovative leadership for school administrators; 3) develop guidelines for innovative leadership for school administrators; and 4) assess the suitability and possibility of guidelines for the development of innovative leadership for school administrators. The research area was schools under the secondary educational service area office in Mukdahan. The sample group consisted of 252 school administrators and teachers who followed the percent criterion in the sample size specification, and they were selected by multi-stage random sampling. There were three research instruments: (1) a questionnaire; (2) a structured interview form; and (3) a suitability and possibility assessment form. The statistics employed in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNIModified).

The research results were as follows: 1) The overall current situations and desirable situations for innovative leadership for school administrators were at the high level and the highest level, respectively; 2) the needs were higher than the overall value, namely visionary, creative thinking, and innovative leadership; 3) The overall development guidelines consisted of six aspects, as follows: (1) visionary; (2) taking risks; (3) teamwork and participation; (4) having creative thinking; (5) creating an innovative organizational atmosphere; and (6) having an innovative leadership personality, which consisted of 31 guidelines; and 4) the results of the overall development evaluation revealed that the suitability was at the highest level and the possibility was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Chantapan, T., Sriputtarin, S., & Kheawnamchum, J. . (2024). Guidelines for Development of Innovative Leadership for School Administrators under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Mukdahan. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 1032–1058. Retrieved from
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