The Causal Relationship of Satisfaction Affecting Customer Loyalty of Spa and Massage in Kanchanaburi Province
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This article aims to study the causal relationship of satisfaction that affects the loyalty of spa and Thai massage customers in Kanchanaburi Province. The research format is quantitative research. Apply concepts and theories of service quality, service satisfaction, brand value, and customer loyalty as the research framework. The research area is Kanchanaburi Province. The sample group consisted of 240 spa and Thai massage customers in Kanchanaburi province by purposive selection. There is 1 type of research instrument used: a questionnaire, examining causal factors such as service quality (SER) and brand value (BRE) that influence outcome factors such as customer loyalty (CLO) through the central variable: Service user satisfaction (SAT). Given a sample size of 10 times the observed variables, there are 16 observed variables. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, and inferential statistics, namely structural equation modelling (Structural Equation Modeling: SEM).
The research found that service quality has a positive influence on customer satisfaction but has no influence on customer loyalty, while brand value has a positive influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty. This research indicates that building customer loyalty for spa and Thai massage businesses in Kanchanaburi province based on satisfaction should focus on brand value and service quality.
The knowledge/findings from this research are that the spa and Thai massage business in Kanchanaburi province found that 1) Loyalty is created from brand value and service quality. 2) Service quality cannot directly make the customer loyal, but it is necessary to create the customer satisfied first. 3) Brand value can create customer loyalty directly and through satisfaction.
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