Development of Communication Tools in The Thai Public Health Service System to Support the Entry by Buddhist Peaceful Means in Sampran Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Sunanta Outchareon


This article aimed to 1) To study and analyze the context, problem conditions, and necessary needs, and theoretical concepts regarding the development of communication tools in the Thai public health service system to support the entry by Buddhist peaceful means in Sampran hospital, Nakhon Pathom province. 2) To present the development of communication tools in the Thai public health service system to support the entry by Buddhist peaceful means in Sampran hospital, Nakhon Pathom province. This research the researcher conducted the research in the form Noble Truth Model Under the research framework based on 9 steps to obtain information to answer the research objectives. Sample group 18 person using purposive sampling. Research tools include in-depth interviews. and group meetings the research results are summarized as follows.

1) Nakhon Pathom Province is an area where a large number of migrant workers have been moved into the workplace. The most common type of move is a household move. Or come and create a family here. As the survey example shows, Samphran Hospital is a secondary health care facility. Located in Sam Phran District. Surrounded by industrial factories, many foreigners live there. and those foreigners Has come to use health services as the main service center as a result, officials encountered communication problems. Both in taking health history Including notification of news and practices. Buddhist peaceful means is an a method, practice, or set of methods that the Buddha or his disciples have used it as a tool, it can be divided into 3 main types: (1) The Method as a tool for developing urban traditions, (2) The as a tool for living life, and (3) The Method as a tool for demanding needs in addition, the application of Dhamma teachings

2) The development of communication tools in the Thai public health service system to support the entry by Buddhist peaceful means in Sampran hospital, Nakhon Pathom province synthesize From document study and literature review, the S-P-H-P Model was obtained as follows: (1) S : Specialist of Service : service system expert (2) P : Paramedics Team for People : medical team for the people (3) H : Happily Hospitalized : treated in hospital Happily nurse (4) P : Passive-Aggressive : Be kind and patient in the face of obstacles.

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How to Cite
Outchareon, S. (2024). Development of Communication Tools in The Thai Public Health Service System to Support the Entry by Buddhist Peaceful Means in Sampran Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 1081–1101. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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