Managing Cultural Tourist Attractions in the Old City of Tai Yo Chaiburi Subdistrict, Tha Uthen District, Nakhon Phanom Province

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Theparak Surifai


This study aimed to 1) explore the potential for cultural tourism attractions in the old Tai Yo City, and 2) promote the management of these cultural tourism sites in the old Tai Yai City, located in the Chaiburi Subdistrict, Tha Uthen District of Nakhon Phanom province. Using a qualitative research approach within a cultural tourism framework and management of cultural tourism attractions, data were gathered in Chaiburi Subdistrict, Tha Uthen District of Nakhon Phanom Province, through observations, surveys, and in-depth interviews. The study involved thirty informants and ten experts in group discussions, chosen through purposive sampling. The study’s analytical methods included content and descriptive analysis to illustrate the results. The findings were as follows:

1. The cultural tourism potential in the old Tai Yo City, highlighting several key attractions and related activities, such as 1) the scenic Chaiburi two-color river, 2) religious architectural sites (including Wat Traiphum, Wat Sri Bunrueang, Wat Klang Muang Chaiburi, Simwat Yod Kaew, and Phra Chai Rajawongsa (Ratchabut Sen) monument), 3) bicycle tours around the ancient city, and 4) participation in the Bun Bang Fai (Rocket) festival. These attractions are supported by initiatives from both the government and private sectors, fostering local employment, supporting local families, and promoting a circular economy within the community. 2. Additionally, the research identified five essential areas in the effective management of cultural tourism attractions in the old Tai Yo City: 1) management frameworks; 2) preservation and enhancement efforts; 3) development of guidelines or regulations for tourism attractions; 4) strategic public relations; and 5) the creation of a network among tourism sites.

This study contributes valuable insights into cultural tourism management in the old Tai Yo City, emphasizing the importance of conserving cultural and traditional heritage, maintaining community cultural resources without altering the local way of life, and generating income to elevate the community’s quality of life.

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How to Cite
Surifai, T. (2024). Managing Cultural Tourist Attractions in the Old City of Tai Yo Chaiburi Subdistrict, Tha Uthen District, Nakhon Phanom Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 1102–1119. Retrieved from
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