Innovation Methodology of data Analysis and Synthesis Method for Qualitative Research

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Jidapa Rangmeesrisuk
Naputr Gawnak
Phrakhrubaidika Aphichat Pornsuttichaipong
Suwalang Wongsurawat
Phrakhrupalad Prawit Supurairat


This article aimed to introduce qualitative research and the analysis of qualitative data. It was a compilation of crucial datasets that were relevant to the presentation. It was a document containing information and techniques. Examine and integrate the data. The purpose was to provide a collection of concepts and information on qualitative research approaches. The emphasis was on creating a concise explanation of the methodological model. For the examination of crystallized data and methodical data analysis. Conduct continuous data analysis by synthesizing data from qualitative research methods, secondary data, academic materials, principles, concepts, theories, and instructional documents to create a summary of each research study conducted. Written materials for lectures, available in physical books (textbooks) and digital formats on online platforms, the author draws the essence from the suitable documents and those connected to compile, compile, analyze information, and numerous issues surrounding qualitative research methodologies and procedures. The researcher gathered qualitative data without quantification. The data analysis did not employ any statistics. It may be knowledge gathered by systematic observation techniques. Objective interviews, both with and without organization, include bringing material from small group talks and delivering workshops based on experts. Every form of data collection in qualitative research will give information that is related and relevant to the context, circumstances, or environmental elements of each location and each data set. Especially the research technique of the case study. A study of national and written information; a study of group debates. Continuous analytical study phenomenological study and historical research: after acquiring qualitative data according to the research objectives that are right, appropriate, sufficient, or if the data set is available and in depth, the researcher will deliver the data. to the qualitative data analysis process, such as triangulation Thematic data analysis, or data analysis by calculating the frequency of groups of viewpoints on various subjects by utilizing a qualitative data analysis plan that is proper and acceptable, is the systematic arrangement and presentation of the succession of information. There is a systematic examination of relevant data.

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How to Cite
Rangmeesrisuk, J. ., Gawnak, N., Pornsuttichaipong, P. A., Wongsurawat, S., & Supurairat, P. P. (2024). Innovation Methodology of data Analysis and Synthesis Method for Qualitative Research. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 965–980. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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