Efficiency of Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools in Chonburi Province: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Analysis
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The objectives of the research were 1) to measure the technical efficiency of educational opportunity expansion schools in Chonburi province and 2) to investigate determinants of educational opportunity expansion schools in Chonburi province. This study was quantitative research and employed secondary data from 74 Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools in Chonburi province conducted by the National Institute of Educational Testing Service (Public Organization), Thailand. Data were analyzed by using data envelopment analysis and Tobit regression.
The research results were as follows: 1. The result of measuring the level of technical efficiency of educational opportunity expansion schools based on data envelopment analysis revealed that the schools associated with the high efficiency score of 0.67-1.00 accounted for 45.90 percent, and the schools associated with the moderate efficiency score of 0.34-0.66 accounted for 54.10 percent. 2. A Tobit regression analysis indicated that the standard deviation of the average O-NET score in Thai language and class size were significantly and negatively associated with technical efficiency scores of educational opportunity expansion schools in Chonburi province. However, the ratio of male students to female students, the ratio of foreign to Thai students, students with special needs in class, the ratio of public school to temporary teachers, the ratio of teachers who graduated with a master’s degree or higher to teachers who graduated with qualifications lower than a master’s degree, the ratio of teachers with a professional level or higher to teachers with qualifications lower than a professional level, school size, and school location were not significant factors determining the technical efficiency of educational opportunity expansion schools in Chonburi province.
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