Development of Energy Literacy Using Socio-Scientific Issues Based-Learning Combined with Boardgames on Energy Resources for 8th Grade Students

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Thitikan Arsayot
Sureeporn Sawangmek


The purposes of this article were to 1) study the guidelines of learning management using the socio-scientific issues (SSI) approach with boardgames to enhance energy literacy about energy resources and 2) study the result of developing energy literacy from learning management using the socio-scientific issues (SSI) approach with boardgames to enhance energy literacy about energy resources for 8th-grade students. The research methodology was classroom action research. The participants were 14 8th-grade students enrolled during the second semester of the academic year 2023 from an expanded school in Uttaradit. The research instruments used in this study were (1) 3 lesson plans using the socio-scientific issue approach with 3 boardgames, (2) the learning management reflections, (3) the activity learning sheets, and (4) the assessment form about energy literacy. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis and percentage. 

The results of this research revealed that the guideline of learning management using the socio-scientific issue (SSI) approach with boardgames was as follows: 1) situation issues, The choosing of energy situation issues should be affected by society and the environment; 2) using the character cards could stimulate students’ interest in collecting information. by inquiry process through grouping; 3) reasoning about SSI, students had a discussion about their role after playing board games that affected the events and consequences in that simulation scenarios; and 4) synthesizing of concepts and practices, teachers should create the conceptions with students about decision-making issues and provide justifications for decisions on social issues. In addition, the students’ energy literacy, knowledge, and attitude had progressed in every operation cycle after learning through the SSI approach with boardgames. The level of energy literacy and behavior was also higher than before learning through the SSI approach with boardgames. In conclusion, the learning management of the socio-scientific issue (SSI) approach with boardgames has been shown to enhance students' energy literacy. The findings from this research will provide guidelines for learning management of the socio-scientific issue approach with boardgames to enhance energy literacy for secondary school students.

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How to Cite
Arsayot, T., & Sawangmek, S. (2024). Development of Energy Literacy Using Socio-Scientific Issues Based-Learning Combined with Boardgames on Energy Resources for 8th Grade Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(6), 3436–3445. Retrieved from
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