Effects of Cooperative Learning with Math League Technique on Mathemetics Achievement of Grade 9 Students

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วิไลวรรณ อิสลาม
จุติพร อัศวโสวรรณ
มนิต พลหลา


              The objectives of this research ware to (1) compare the math achievement of before and after the cooperative learning Math League technique, (2) compare the math achievement results after using the cooperative learning Math League technique with passing rate 70 percentage, and (3) study the student’s satisfaction towards the cooperative learning Math League technique. The subjects using purposive sampling were 30 of grade 9 students during the first semester of 2016 academic year at Kuankoeisootthiwittaya School, Ron Phibun, Nakhon Si Thammarat. The instruments used for this research were: (1) 6 lesson plans in cooperation with the Math League technique of grade 9 students, (2) 25-item multiple choice test for achievement test with discriminating powers ranging from .28-.84 and a reliability of .79 and (3) measuring student satisfaction with the management of cooperative learning Math League technique is a rating scale 5 level. The data were collected and analyzed using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
            The research results revealed that: (1) The learning achievement in Mathematics after the cooperative learning Math League technique higher than before the Cooperative Learning Math League Technique at .05 levels of significance. (2) The learning achievement in Mathematics after the cooperative learning Math League technique were higher than the average rate 70 percent at .05 levels of significance and (3) the satisfaction of students towards the cooperative learning Math League technique was at a high level.

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How to Cite
อิสลาม ว., อัศวโสวรรณ จ., & พลหลา ม. (2019). Effects of Cooperative Learning with Math League Technique on Mathemetics Achievement of Grade 9 Students. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 12(1), 44–49. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_sct/article/view/103135
Research Manuscript


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