The Structural Model of Sustainable Management of Medium-sized Hotel in Bangkok

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บุหลันฉาย สมรรถนเรศวร์
อมรา รัตตากร
ชยุตม์ วะนา


         The objectives of this research were: 1) to study important level  of variables, 2) to analyze the structural equation model affecting sustainable management, and 3) to determine sustainable management of medium-sized hotel in Bangkok. The research was based on quantitative model. Sampling group was 650 hotel managements from 200 medium-sized hotels in Bangkok. Tools used for this research was questionnaire with 0.975 confident level. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation, structural equation model analysis (SEM), multicollinearity test, and confirmatory factor analysis. The results found that 1) the means of the enterprise’s characteristics, including response to expectation of stakeholders, business competition, business management, and the sustainable management were at high level both overall and each aspects. 2) sustainable management was directly influenced by two variables which are business management having direct influence value = 0.72 and following by  business competition having direct influence value = 0.26 at .01 significant level. The two variables could describe the variance of the sustainability management of 93 percentage and 3) sustainable management for medium-sized hotels in Bangkok consisted of 7 key dimensions comprise economic-finance, economic-technologies and innovation, social-employee, social-customers, social-community, environment-energy and environment-environment. Therefore, medium-sized hotels in Bangkok must focus on business management and business competition strategy, and pursue the plan of sustainable management in order to enhance business potential, competitiveness and survive sustainably.

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สมรรถนเรศวร์ บ., รัตตากร อ., & วะนา ช. (2019). The Structural Model of Sustainable Management of Medium-sized Hotel in Bangkok. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 12(1), 10–19. retrieved from
Research Manuscript


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