Model of Customer Value Creation for Entrepreneurs in Health Spa Business, Upper Northern Region of Thailand

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ยงยุทธ แก้วเต็ม
นภาวรรณ เนตรประดิษฐ์
เกศรา สุกเพชร


The main objectives of this research were to investigate customers’ point of views, causal relationships among customer experience management, competitive strategy, customer satisfaction, customer values, including propose the customers’ appropriate model as value creation for health spa business entrepreneur. Three hundred of Thai and foreign customers in 6 provinces of the Upper Northern region were drawn as sample for this study. Qualitative data received from in-depth interview technique and quantitative data from questionnaires. Also, qualitative data were applied by content system analysis and quantitative data by structural equation model with PLS Graph 3.0 program. Research results found that: (1) Customers’ point of views concerning the aspects of customer experience management, satisfaction, value, was at a high level, except the aspect of competitive strategy at a fairy high level; (2) Causal relationships among variety of aspects, these statistics were showed empirical data fit the model: Chi-square=0.894, df=2, P=.10, GFI=.9972, RMSEA=.005687. It could be concluded that customers’ value received the direct effects from both aspects of customers’ satisfaction (DE=0.69) and competitive strategy (DE=0.16) and receiving indirect effects from both customers’ experience management (IE=0.61) and competitive strategy (IE=0.20) aspects. Those all aspects were either explained or predicted the variance of customers’ value at 64.60 percent and at the .05 level of significance; and (3) Appropriate model for creating the customer value consisted of (3.1) Emphasizing value creation through experiences between customers and health spa business; (3.2) Differential making with story-telling techniques, fulfilling customer needs, making identity differences of products, managing the reserved channels for customer services; and (3.3) Implications of influence on customer satisfaction variable for creating sustainable customers’ value in health spa business.           

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How to Cite
แก้วเต็ม ย., เนตรประดิษฐ์ น., & สุกเพชร เ. (2017). Model of Customer Value Creation for Entrepreneurs in Health Spa Business, Upper Northern Region of Thailand. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 10(2), 57–65. retrieved from
Research Manuscript