People’s Perception and Expectation toward Roles of Board Directors of Health Insurance Fund Kapang Sub-district, Thung Song District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

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Kittisak Sangthong
Putwimon Chotcharat


The purposes of this research were 1) to investigate the perception and expectation of people toward the roles of board directors of health insurance fund Kapang sub-district Thung Song district Nakhon Si Thammarat province, 2) to compare the health insurance fund management roles which people had recognized and the roles which people expected from board directors and 3) to perform a confirmatory factor analysis of perception and expectation of people toward the roles of board directors on hypothesis model with empirical data. The model was consisted of 4 latent variables; Plan: P, Do: D, Check: C and Action: A. The samples were selected by Taro Yamane with purposive sampling method which consisted of 440 people in Kapang sub-district, Thung Song district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. The research was proceeded through the questionnaires consisted of demographic factors questionnaires, the perception real roles and  expect roles questionnaires were given the reliability total index of .91 for real roles and .95 for expect roles. The statistical tools used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, using SPSS for windows and confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL version 8.72.

The research results indicated that: (1) The overall level of perception of people towards the actual roles of board directors in fund management were moderate and the overall level of expectation of people toward the roles of board directors were high. (2) Comparison the perception of people towards the actual roles of board directors and expectation of people in a whole were significantly different at .05 level in many factors and found that expectation roles were rated in higher mean of the actual roles. (3) The results of confirmatory factor analysis of model in the perception and expectation of people towards the roles of board directors in fund management were found that model was fitted with empirical data. Ranging from the actual role highest factor loading value was Do: D (W=.98, R2 = .91) and Action: A from the expectation role highest factor. The construct validity of models was consistent with empirical data with gif.latex?X^{2}/df=2.41, P-value=.05, GFI=.99, AGFI=.95, CFI=1.00, FRMR=.03 and RMSEA=.05.  

The results of this study revealed that board directors should consider both factors in fund management to increase their work performance.

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How to Cite
Sangthong, K. . ., & Chotcharat, P. . (2018). People’s Perception and Expectation toward Roles of Board Directors of Health Insurance Fund Kapang Sub-district, Thung Song District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 11(1), 131–138. retrieved from
Research Manuscript


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