The Development Digital Media for Anti-corruption in Thailand

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Jariyar Kerdkraikaew
Jularad Donggan
Alatee Maeloh
Nofatihah Che-Ouma


         Corruption is a major problem today in many countries around the world. This research aimed to develop digital media against anti-corruption in Thailand, evaluate its quality and viewers’ satisfaction of the media. The samples of this study were 5 experts in media contents development and 70 media viewers who were selected through convenience sampling. Adobe Flash Professional CS6 and Sony Vegas Pro 16 were used as tools to develop the media. Two questionnaires were used in the study: one was to elicit information on quality of the digital media; the other was on the viewers’ satisfaction of viewing them. The statistics in data analysis included mean, standard deviation and percentage. New digital media against anti-corruption in Thailand developed as a result of this study consists of 3 parts. These include problems of corruption, impacts of corruption and anti-corruption in the country. This study also found that the quality of the digital was rated at highest level with an average of 4.23. However, the viewers rated their satisfaction at a high level with an average of 4.01. Findings of this study can provide insights for future development of digital media which can be more creative and beneficial to the society.

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How to Cite
Kerdkraikaew, J. ., Donggan, J. ., Maeloh, A. ., & Che-Ouma, N. . (2021). The Development Digital Media for Anti-corruption in Thailand. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 14(1), 64–74. retrieved from
Research Manuscript


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