Simulation Based Learning: Nursing Education

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Jiranuwat Chansungnoen


           Simulation-based learning in nursing was a teaching method that encouraged students to participate in self-learning as if in a real situation. It encouraged students to understand about the fact that the situation was simulated. It was the experience that helped students learning about nursing practices in holistic care and helped students achieve the objectives of learning in nursing practice skills that required clinical decisions to solve the problems, team working, and liaison, including effective communication. There was also the discussion or the learning conclusion through reflection from simulation-based learning helped connection of knowledge from theory to practice of thoughts in a safe environment in order that students had a good attitude to practice, to be confident and able to practice in nursing in the real situations in the future.

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How to Cite
Chansungnoen, J. . (2021). Simulation Based Learning: Nursing Education. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 14(1), 145–153. retrieved from
Academic Manuscript
Author Biography

Jiranuwat Chansungnoen, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Trang, Praboromarajchanok, Institute

         Simulation-based learning in nursing was a teaching method that encouraged students to participate in self-learning as if in a real situation. It encouraged students to understand about the fact that the situation was simulated. It was the experience that helped students learning about nursing practices in holistic care and helped students achieve the objectives of learning in nursing practice skills that required clinical decisions to solve the problems, team working, and liaison, including effective communication. There was also the discussion or the learning conclusion through reflection from simulation-based learning helped connection of knowledge from theory to practice of thoughts in a safe environment in order that students had a good attitude to practice, to be confident and able to practice in nursing in the real situations in the future.


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