Development of a Management Model in Keeping Leukemia Patients under Surveillance of Septicemia in Suratthani Hospital

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Sajeerat Kosol
Prapaporn Chukumnerd
Pramot Thongsuk


        The number of patients with Leukemia who are affected by sepsis has increased. However, there is no clear surveillance system and information to plan for preventive actions. This action research aimed to develop and examine the outcomes of a management model in surveillance of septicemia for leukemia patients in Suratthani Hospital. Five administrators and twenty individuals in charge of septicemia surveillance who were purposely selected, participate in the study. This study process is based on the concept of action research which underwent 4 phases and 2 cycles during November 2019 to March 2020. There are 2 types of research instruments used in this study. One is to collect qualitative data on opinions through semi-structured interviews. The other is to collect quantitative data through observation checklists on surveillance practices. They were checked for validity and reliability. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis and quantitative observation record was analyzed by frequency and percentage. Results showed that management models for surveillance of septicemia involve 4 parts namely, 1) collaborative planning among the multidisciplinary team, 2) setting roles and responsibilities for the team, 3) effective communication, and 4) controlling, monitoring and acting according to the surveillance guidelines in 4 phases: admission, low immunity, septicemia infection, and discharge. The management model could effectively be put into practice in 4 phases of septicemia surveillance: in admission phase (100%), low immunity (96.4%), bacteremia phase (97.2%), and discharge phase (100%). The overall practice accounted for 98.51%. The model developed in this study could be used to manage surveillance of septicemia in other sites with similar contexts.

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How to Cite
Kosol, S. ., Chukumnerd, P. ., & Thongsuk, P. . (2021). Development of a Management Model in Keeping Leukemia Patients under Surveillance of Septicemia in Suratthani Hospital. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 14(1), 97–111. retrieved from
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