The Development of Cartoon Electronic Book on the Topic of Learning about Human Society in Social Studies, Religion and Culture for Grade 10 Students

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Sirinee Juntarachat


The objectives of this research were (1) to develop the Cartoon Electronic Book on the topic of learning about human society in social studies, religion and culture for grade 10 students to meet the standard criteria of 80/80, (2) to identify the effectiveness index of the developed Cartoon Electronic Book, (3) to compare the academic achievement of the students who taught with the developed Cartoon Electronic Book and those with the conventional technique, and (4) to study the satisfaction of the students with the developed Cartoon Electronic Book. The sample for the study included 102 grade 10 students attending Hatyaiwittayalaisomboonkulkanya School during the second semester of the 2012 academic year. Random cluster and stratified sampling techniques were performed. The instruments used in the study consisted of 1) Cartoon Electronic Book, 2) an achievement test, 3) a questionnaire asking students’ satisfaction with the developed Cartoon Electronic Book, 4) the quality evaluation from of the Electronic Book, and 5) the learning plan. The data were analyzed using percentage, arithmetic means, standard deviations and repeated measure factorial ANOVA.

          The findings of the study revealed the following. 1) The Cartoon Electronic Books showed the effectiveness of 81.17/83.22. 2) The Cartoon Electronic Book showed the effectiveness index of 0.5193. 3) The students who were taught with the Cartoon Electronic Book showed higher achievement than those taught with the conventional method at 0.05 level of statistical significance. 4) The students showed a ‘very high’ level of satisfaction with the Cartoon Electronic Book.

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How to Cite
Juntarachat, S. . . (2018). The Development of Cartoon Electronic Book on the Topic of Learning about Human Society in Social Studies, Religion and Culture for Grade 10 Students. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 6(1), 83–88. retrieved from
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