Factors and Indicators of Teachers’ Spirituality of Student Teachers at Faculty of Education, Rajabhat University

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Maliwan Somsak
Nittayarat Khongnaluek
Tippawan Tongkhundum
Rapeepan Aksrawadeewat


The purpose of this study was to develop the factors and the indicators of student teacher’s spirituality of the fifth year student teachers at Faculty of Education, Rajabhat University. The sample consisted of 1,089 student teachers from five Rajabhat Universities selected using stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a five–point Likert scale questionnaire with the reliability of .970. Data collected from student teachers who were practicing the practicum experiences. They came back to the university to attend the professional seminar. The 1,044 questionnaires were returned (95.870%). Exploratory Factors Analysis with principal component and orthogonal varimax rotation model was applied in the data analysis.

The results revealed that the student teachers’ spirituality consisted of 13 factors with 94 indicators of student teacher’s spirituality could explain by the variance of 58.310%. These factors were categorized into three aspects: 1) Factors of the Core of Teacher’s Spirituality such as loving and having faith in being a teacher (7 indicators), goals for their students (7 indicators), understanding others (5 indicators), faith to supernatural things (6 indicators), seeing spiritual values (4 indicators), and self-awareness and self-understanding (3 indicators); 2) Factors of Work and Life Behaviors such as learning process (24 indicators), being a good model (7 indicators), performing the code of ethics (8 indicators), morality (5 indicators), keeping pace with technology and its utilization (5 indicators), and self - development (5 indicators); and 3) Factors of the Maintaining of teachers’ spirituality such as happiness of being a teacher (8 indicators).

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How to Cite
Somsak, M. ., Khongnaluek, N. ., Tongkhundum, T., & Aksrawadeewat, R. . (2018). Factors and Indicators of Teachers’ Spirituality of Student Teachers at Faculty of Education, Rajabhat University. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 11(1), 51–58. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_sct/article/view/84715
Research Manuscript
Author Biographies

Nittayarat Khongnaluek, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University

Assistant Professor at Faculty of Education

Tippawan Tongkhundum, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University

Lecturer at Faculty of Education

Rapeepan Aksrawadeewat, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University

Lecturer at Faculty of Education


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