Effect of Proactive Marketing Management Capability on Marketing Survival of Instant and Convenience Foods Businesses in Thailand

Main Article Content

Yuthachai Krokaew
Prathanporn Jhundra-Indra
Sutana Boonlua


        The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of proactive marketing management capability on marketing survival. Data were collected from 163 instant and convenience foods firms in Thailand by questionnaire mail survey. The ordinary least square regression is employed to analyze in this research. The results reveal that two dimensions of proactive marketing management capability including customer learning dynamism and market leading implementation have a significant positive association with marketing goal achievement and marketing survival, while product innovation intelligence only significant positive association with marketing survival. Furthermore, marketing goal achievement has a positive influence on marketing survival. This research helps to fulfill the understanding towards the proactive marketing management capability in the context of Thai instant and convenience foods firms.

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How to Cite
Krokaew, Y., Jhundra-Indra, P., & Boonlua, S. (2017). Effect of Proactive Marketing Management Capability on Marketing Survival of Instant and Convenience Foods Businesses in Thailand. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 11(2), 181–195. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_sct/article/view/95304
Research Manuscript
Author Biographies

Yuthachai Krokaew, Mahasarakham Business School,Mahasarakham University

Ph.D. Student in Marketing Management at Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University, Thailand.

Mobile Phone: 0896511884

Mail Adress: 7/16 ม.14 ต.เกิ้ง อ. เมือง จ.มหาสารคาม 44000

Prathanporn Jhundra-Indra, Mahasarakham Business School,Mahasarakham University

Lecturer, Ph.D., Marketing, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University.

Sutana Boonlua, Mahasarakham Business School,Mahasarakham University

Lecturer, Ph.D., Management, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University.


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