Factors influencing technology adoption of people with visual impairment: Case study of financial transactions through an automatic teller machine (ATM)


  • Warot Korwatanasakul Doctoral Program in Technopreneurship and Innovation Management, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand


blindness, financial services, financial transactions, technology adoption, visual impairment


The objectives of this study were to identify the factors that influence the technology adoption of financial services through a case study of financial transactions made via an automatic teller machine (ATM). This study adopted both qualitative and quantitative research methods, including experiments, observation, questionnaires, and focus group in- terviews with 40 observations. The results indicated that the factors influencing technology adoption include cooperation from all related parties, social acceptance, ease of use, use- fulness in using existing devices such as mobile phones, transaction safety, and security.




How to Cite

Korwatanasakul, W. (2018). Factors influencing technology adoption of people with visual impairment: Case study of financial transactions through an automatic teller machine (ATM). Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41(2), 315–320. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kjss/article/view/232593



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