Applied Anthropology


  • Niyaphan Wannasiri อาจารย์ภาควิชาสังคมวิทยาและมานุษยวิทยา , คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


The Applied Anthropology is a branch of anthropological science which is quite new. It came to an existence about the early period of 19 century by British anthropologist who then involved with the colonization activity. Those anthropologists had employed applied anthropology on solving the problem of minority relations which were always a milestone of the political affairs. After existence the science of applied anthropology moved to the American society where it was ultimately put to use on solving various types of social problems. Applied anthropology becomes very popular in the western society because it is considered as the most appropriate and effective approach in solving the problem of community development or cultural relations in which alien cultures and groups of people interact. The applied anthropological work used a teamwork method of which various types of disciplines and personalities are principle units of the team. As such there one versatile problems to be expected in the action. The absolute problem is, how to organize those individuals who comprise the action. The absolute problem is, how to organize those individuals who comprise the action team, and how to provide than with satisfaction and safety which are the ultimate goal of applied anthropology work. However, the trend of applied anthropology in the western world seems to be in an upword direction because this types of work plays part mostly in urban areas; and, more and more the rural areas have been becoming urban communities. In Thailand, the science of applied anthropology seems to be out of sight. Thailand can only afford all basic sciences. The applied social science seems to be too lavish to afford since the Thai government is presently poor. Besides, the applied anthropological science deals mostly with an unstable political situation of Thailand.




How to Cite

Wannasiri, N. (1981). Applied Anthropology . Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1-2), 8–23. Retrieved from



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