Thailand's role in updating ASEAN immigration policy


  • Palapan Kampan Research Center, National Institute for Development Administration, Bangkok 10240, Thailand
  • Adam Richard Tanielian Preparatory Year Deanship, King Faisal University, Hofuf, Saudi Arabia


ASEAN, immigration, international trade, labor migration, naturalization


     This research examined how the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) can improve upon the common economic community through the revision of policies related to labor and migration. The literature review suggested that economic prosperity and growth are significantly related to national openness to naturalization and foreign investment. Citizenship laws from all 10 ASEAN states and several other nations were analyzed alongside economic indicators. Within ASEAN, Thailand is considered central to widespread immigration law changes due to its leadership role in the region. Human rights aspects of citizenship and migration were assessed and potential solutions posed for the high incidence of statelessness in Myanmar and Thailand. In order to support consistent, long-term economic growth and protection of human rights, the research recommends various statutory revisions and the implementation of an executive strategic plan to protect alien laborers. For the purposes of developing globally-competitive economies in ASEAN, the research supports expansive access to citizenship by descent, birthright, and by naturalization, with full recognition of multiple citizenship.




How to Cite

Kampan, P., & Richard Tanielian, A. (2017). Thailand’s role in updating ASEAN immigration policy. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 38(3), 233–241. retrieved from



Research articles