Simulation modeling of para-rubber and oil palm farming system in Khlongthom district, Krabi province


  • Buncha Somboonsuke Department of Agricultural Development, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90112, Thailand
  • Purawich Phitthayaphinant Department of Agricultural Development, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90112, Thailand
  • Vichot Jongrungrot Department of Agricultural Development, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90112, Thailand


oil palm farming system, para-rubber farming system, simulation modeling


     The objectives of this research were: 1) to classify para-rubber and oil palm farming systems including describing the socio-economic characteristics and production of farm households, 2) to compare the costs and benefits of para-rubber and oil palm farming systems, and 3) to create a model of para-rubber and oil palm farming systems in Khlongthom district, Krabi province. Primary data were collected using structured interviews from a total sample of 76 para-rubber farm households and 33 oil palm farm households. These samples were selected using multi-stage random sampling. Descriptive statistics and OLYMPE version 1.34 (Center of International Research on Agricultural Development [CIRAD], France) were employed for data analysis. The results revealed that the para-rubber and oil palm farming systems of the farm households could be classified into 4 systems: 1) para-rubber farming system (R1), 2) para-rubber and oil palm farming system (R2), 3) oil palm farming system (R3), and 4) para-rubber and fruits farming system (R4). Most of the farmers were late-to-middle-aged males. The highest costs and benefits of the systems studied were in the para-rubber and oil palm farming system (R2). In contrast, the lowest costs and benefits were in the oil palm farming system (R3). Simulation modeling of ideal farming systems showed that the para-rubber and oil palm farming system (R2) was an interesting farming system with higher benefits than the other farming systems. Suggestions for the production development of the para-rubber and oil palm farming systems were more information before investing, increasing biological varieties used in farming, participation of the farmers in agricultural groups, and using appropriate factors of production. These suggestions can be used as guidelines to support farm households to adopt to changing situations.




How to Cite

Somboonsuke, B., Phitthayaphinant, P., & Jongrungrot, V. (2017). Simulation modeling of para-rubber and oil palm farming system in Khlongthom district, Krabi province. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 38(3), 728–741. retrieved from