The Adoption of Technology by Farmers Under the Agricultural Structure and Production System Adjustment Program in the Central Region of Thailand


  • Aphiphan Pookpakdi Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
  • Kamolrat Intaratat Office of Extension and Training, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.


technology, affecting variables, supporting variables


The purposes of this research were: 1) to determine socio-economic characteristics of farmers; 2) to investigate the farmers's opinions toward the Agricultural Structure and Production System Adjustment Program (ASPSAP) and sources of knowledge; 3) to determine the level of technology adoption of the farmers; 4) to study the level of influence of the affecting and supporting variables to the sustainable technology adoption of the farmers; and 5) to determine problems and need of the farmers. The research was based on servey data obtained from schedualed interviews. The sample group comprised of a multi-stage sampling of 330 farmers who were members of the 1994 Agricultural Structure and Production System Adjustment Program (ASPSAP) in the Central Region of Thailand (30.00 percent of the population). The data were obtained from 267 respondents. (80.91 percent of the samples). Statistical procedures used in analyzing the data included frequencies, mean, standard deviation, weighted mean score, correlation, multiple regression, chi-square, analysis of variance, and the Scheffes' test. Based on this study, it was concluded that the majority of farmers were married men, with an average age of 49 years, and had primary school education. Each family had an average of 4 members of 2 were family farm laborers. Most of the farmers were members of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives. Generally, the farmers left their village to gain knowledge at least once a year and contact extension officers twice a year. They owned an average of 36.94 rai of farm land. Rice farming was their principal occupation whereas orchard farming was their secondary occupation. They had 30-40 years of experience in their principal occupation. Their major income was derived from agricultural enterprises. Most of the farmers joined the ASPSAP as a result of recommendation from the extension officers and hopes to increase their income. The opinions of farmers regarding the ASPSAP and the level of knowledge and experience acquired from the different sources were rated "fair". The level of extension service and the level of adoption of plant technology were rated "poor". while the level of adoption of livestocks, fisheries, and diversified agricultural technologies, on an average, was rated "poor". It was found that most of the social, economic and other supporting variables studied correlated at a low level with technology adoption by farmers. Plant diseases and insect pests, insufficient capital, and inadequate agricultural irrigation were their crucial farming problems. Therefore the farmers recommended that more regular extension services should be offered to farmers. In addition, the Department of Agricultural Extension should provide better varieties of orchard plants, agricultural irrigation system, and that production materials should be sold to farmers at reasonable price.




How to Cite

Pookpakdi, A., & Intaratat, K. (2001). The Adoption of Technology by Farmers Under the Agricultural Structure and Production System Adjustment Program in the Central Region of Thailand. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 22(1), 14–26. retrieved from



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