The study on the Relationship Between Intelligence Quotient Obtained from the Coloured Progressive Matrices and Piaget’s Theory on the stages of Cognitive Development of Thai Children, Age 5-11 Years


  • Tippavan surinya Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science, Kasetsart University.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the mark from the Coloured Progressive Matrices and the mark from Piagetian assessment of children, age 5-11 years and to bring the mark from the Coloured Progressive Matrices predicting cognitive development of Thai children. There were 280 subjects :- age 5-11 years, boys and girls from Samsean Kingderganden, Bangbao School and Phibolupathom Scholl. The sample was requested to test individually with research fools. The results may be concluded as follows : 1.Children who have different age had meant of the from Coloured Progressive Matrices differently with statistical significance at 0.01 level 2.Children who have different age had meant the from Piagetian assessment differently with statistical significance at 0.01 level 3.The value of coefficient correlation between the mark from CPM and the mark from Piagetian assessment of children, age 7-11 years, had statistical significance at 0.01 level but children, age 5-6 years hadn’t. 4.The mark from CPM could predict the mark from Piagetian assessment in children, age 7-11 years.




How to Cite

surinya, T. (1985). The study on the Relationship Between Intelligence Quotient Obtained from the Coloured Progressive Matrices and Piaget’s Theory on the stages of Cognitive Development of Thai Children, Age 5-11 Years. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 135–139. retrieved from



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