An Analysis of Optimum Number of Employee of Kasetsart University Saving Co-operatives Society Limited


  • Saisuda Somchit Dept. of Statistics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart Univ.


This research aimed to find out whether or not the Kasetsart University Saving Co-operatives Society Limited (K.U. Co-ops.) had an appropriate number of service staff if there were a number of K.U. staff transfered their salaries to K.U. Co-ops. saving deposit. These research results obtained from counting the members who came and used their services at the counter desks and from yes or no questions of total K.U. staff who wanted to transfer their salaries to K.U. Co-ops. saving deposit. The results showed that the average waiting time before getting service was 0.26 minutes. The average service time for fixed and saving deposit were 9.22 and 5 minutes respectively. Only 95 K.U. staff wanted to transfer their salaries to K.U. Co-ops. accounts. Most of the K.U. Co-ops. members came and used their service during the first three days of the month which made the data did not have any probability distribution. By using Queueing Theory to analyse 95 transferred K.U. staff, the results indicated that if all 95 transferred K.U. staff were old K.U. Co-ops. membered or less than 30 transfred K.U. staff were new K.U. Co-ops. members, there was no need to hire extra service staff. But if there was 30 or more were new K.U. Co-ops. members, They needed I extra service staff. And if there was 50 or more were new K.U. Co-ops. members. They needed to have more than one extra service staff.




How to Cite

Somchit, S. (1986). An Analysis of Optimum Number of Employee of Kasetsart University Saving Co-operatives Society Limited. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 62–65. retrieved from



Research articles