The Development of Undergraduate Student Academic Advisory System in Universities.


  • Samnao Kajornsin Dept. of Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.


The purpose of this research was to develop the undergraduate student academic advisory system in universities. The specific purposes were : 1) to study the structures, problems concerning academic advisory systems, the use of advisory services by the students and the student opinions on the advisory services, 2) to develop and trying out the newly developed academic advisory system, and 3) to evaluate trying out the use of the newly developed academic advisory system. Each purpose had turned in to one research project. This project composed of two research subprojects and one evaluation project. The sample under this study consisted of three samples. The first sample used in the first research subproject were 296 administrators and academic advisors and 697 students, selected by multistage sampling from Kasetsart University, Silpakorn University, and Prince of Songkha University in the academic year 1986-1987. The second sample used in the second research subproject were the 18 experts who had examined the academic advisory system. The third one used in the evaluation project were 63 advisory committees and advisers and 153 students, selectes by simple random sampling from the faculty of Agro- Industry Kasetsart University and the Faculty of Sciences, Prince of Songkha University in the academic year 1988-1989. The instruments used in the first and the second research subprojects were the questionnaires. Those used in the evaluation project were check lists, observation forms, and questionnaires. The data was then analyzed through SPSSx (Statistical Packages for Social Sciences Version X) to determine the percentage, median, inter quartile range, Chi-square, and two way analysis of variance. The research finding for the first subproject revealed that :1) all three universities did not appoint any academic advisory committee and did not prepare the advisers’ personal qualifications and ethics. 2) the important problems concerning the academic advisory system were the lack of policy and procedure to increase the advisers’ morale, and the lack of information and counseling techniques. 3) most students met their advisers more than once in each semester. The advisers did not arrange an office hours to meet with their students. 4) most students had positive opinion on advisers’ personal, qualifications, abilities, interest in their students, and the quality of their counseling. The research findings for the second subproject was the newly developed academic advisory system that composed of four components : 1) the personnel which included administrators, advisory committee, and advisers 2) the advisory work system which consisted of the job descriptions and the relationship of all groups of personnel. 3) the tools for the advisers were included tools and information for counseling and advising. 4) counseling techniques which included rapport building techniques and other counseling techniques. All experts who had examined the newly developed academic advisory system agreed that the system was very appropriate.




How to Cite

Kajornsin, S. (1990). The Development of Undergraduate Student Academic Advisory System in Universities. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 11(2), 174–186. retrieved from



Research articles