Motivation on Selection of Short-Course Training in Public and Private Institutions in Bangkok Metropolis


  • Thanatphat Paneekarn UFM Food Centre Co.,Ltd. 593, 593/29-39 Sukhumvit33/1 North Klongton, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
  • Suparp Chatraphorn Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand


motivation, short-course training, bakery


     The objectives of this research were to study: the motivation on selection of short-course training; the behavior on selection of short-course training; and the predictive association of motivation and behavior with selection of short-course training in public and private institutions in Bangkok Metropolis. The data were collected through a questionnaire. Data analysis included percentage, mean, correlational analysis, and discriminant analysis. The findings revealed that the motivation on training selection of the trainees was at a moderate level. Three dimensions were rated at the highest level of the motivation factors: personal interest and skill, training staff, and training curriculum. The selection behavior of the trainees was at a moderate level. Discriminant analysis of motivation factors influencing training selection showed that the most powerful factors in distinguishing trainees of public institution from private institution were marketing promotion and image of institutions; classification of group membership showed 60.0 percent of cases were correctly classified. No influence of consumption behavior on training selection was found.




How to Cite

Paneekarn, T., & Chatraphorn, S. (2006). Motivation on Selection of Short-Course Training in Public and Private Institutions in Bangkok Metropolis. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 27(2), 214–224. retrieved from



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