Comparison Between Economic Changes and Satisfaction on Social Services of Resettlers under Resettlement Program in Amhara Region, Ethiopia


  • Teshome Walle Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development, Amhara Region, P.O.Box 437, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • Savitree Rangsipaht Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
  • Wanchai Chanprasert Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand


resettlement, income, social service, Metema, Quara


     The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the demographic characteristics of resettlers, 2) compare the economic changes of resettlers before and after the resettlement program, and 3) compare the level of satisfaction of resettlers on the accessibility of social services before and after the resettlement program. The study was conducted in six resettlement kebeles (villages) of Metema and Quara woredas (Districts) of Amhara region, Ethiopia. Totally 337 resettlers were sampled from a population of 2,696 people. Data were collected by using interview schedule and were analyzed by using frequency, percentages and arithmetic mean. Paired sample t-test was employed to test hypotheses at the .05 significant level. The findings revealed that total annual household income of the resettlers in both of the woredas were doubled after the resettlement. Above 50 percent of resettlers in both of the woredas had earned an annual total income of above 7,000 Birr after resettlement, whereas before resettlement this figure was below 16 percent in Metema and 8 in Quara. The study also indicated that the total level of satisfaction of sampled resettlers towards the accessibility of twelve social services after resettlement were at moderate level in Metema and low level in Quara. Hypotheses testing using paired sample t-test revealed that average annual on-farm and total income of resettlers after resettlement were significantly different from before resettlement. Similarly, total level of satisfaction of resettlers towards accessibility of social services after resettlement was significantly different than before. Despite several positive outcomes, there were also problems that need to be addressed. Absence of sufficient and clean water, all weather road and communication facilities were among others to be mentioned. Hence, government intervention is indispensable to solve these problems.




How to Cite

Walle, T., Rangsipaht, S., & Chanprasert, W. (2010). Comparison Between Economic Changes and Satisfaction on Social Services of Resettlers under Resettlement Program in Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 31(3), 458–471. retrieved from



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