The mediating role of trust in the leading premium cosmetic clinics in Bangkok: The relationship of the media, trust, and beauty enhancement repurchasing


  • Peeraya Thongkruer Business Administration Department, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
  • Sawat Wanarat Business Administration Department, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand


media, premium cosmetic clinics, repurchasing, trust


This study has investigated the mediating effect of trust regarding the path from the media to beauty enhancement repurchasing. The characteristics of the media and trust are explored concerning beauty enhancement repurchasing. More especially,
the study proposes a conceptual framework whereby the patients’ trust in their doctor mediates the influence of the media’s characteristics regarding beauty enhancement repurchasing. A convenience sampling approach was conducted, and the Likert scale was employed to measure the variables. The questionnaire was aimed at patients who had previously made a purchase at such clinics. Structural equation modelling was applied to a sample of 218 patients attending a number of leading cosmetic clinics in Bangkok. The results show that all the attributes of the media provide a positive direct effect on the beauty enhancement repurchasing decision. In addition, the trust factor in the doctor mediates the influence of the media’s characteristics that influence beauty enhancement repurchasing. Theoretical and managerial implications of this research are provided.





How to Cite

Thongkruer, P. ., & Wanarat, S. (2020). The mediating role of trust in the leading premium cosmetic clinics in Bangkok: The relationship of the media, trust, and beauty enhancement repurchasing. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41(3), 659–664. retrieved from



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