The determinants of small-scale fishermen’s income in Padang City, Indonesia


  • Junaidi Fisheries Faculty and Marine Science, Universitas Bung Hatta, Indonesia
  • Zaitul Fisheries Faculty and Marine Science, Universitas Bung Hatta, Indonesia
  • Sefnedi Faculty of Economic, Universitas Bung Hatta , Indonesia
  • Hendra Suherman Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Bung Hatta, Indonesia


fishermen income, fishing input, small-scale fishermen


Small-scale fisheries play an important role in supplying fish protein for the community of Padang city. However, the incomes of fishermen are still far from expectation. This study investigates the effect of fishing input, socioeconomics, demography,
and relationship with government agent on fishermen income in Padang. 150 fishermen responded to this study and returned the questionnaire. Using multiple regression analysis, we found that Engine Power (EP), Fishing Cost (FC), Fishing Production (FP), Boat Ownership (BO), and Fishermen Education have a significant effect on fishermen income.Specifically, FP (t statistics 7.954) was registered as the highest contribution on fishermen income, while the GL (t statistics -2.798)was found to have lowest effect on fishermen income, yet direction effect is not expected.




How to Cite

Junaidi, Zaitul, Sefnedi, & Suherman, H. . (2020). The determinants of small-scale fishermen’s income in Padang City, Indonesia. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41(3), 677–682. Retrieved from



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