Using English Videos on YouTube to Develop Vocational Students’ Speaking Skills At Singburi Vocational College


  • ยุพิน บุญบันดล สาขาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษระดับสูงเพื่อการสื่อสาร บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ
  • สุธิดา สุนทรวิภาต สาขาวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


English videos on YouTube, Speaking skills, Vocational students


The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of English videos on YouTube as a learning tool for developing vocational students’ speaking skills. The samples were 25 first-year Science-Based Technology students in Food Processing program at Singburi vocational college. The study was conducted during the first semester of the academic year 2016. The instruments of the study consisted of (1) English videos on YouTube, which incorporated three topics that were self-introduction, talking about food and how to make jam (2) English speaking tests, the data are collected qualitatively from the Pre and Post speaking tests to compare the students’ score . The data was processed by computing and analyzing the mean score, percentage, and standard deviation (S.D.).

The findings showed that the use of YouTube videos for teaching learning process could develop vocational students’ speaking skills. Namely, the highest score on the topic how to make jam rose from 50.10 to 69.00 an increase of 18.90 percent, followed by selfintroduction which rose from 69.00 to 83.30 increased at 14.30 percent and lastly talking about food rose from 59.70 to 73.90 increased at 14.20 percent respectively. The highest score of the performance criteria was pronunciation which rose from 56.80 to 83.20 an increase of 26.40 percent, followed by grammatical range and accuracy which rose from 53.20 to 68.00, an increase of 14.80 percent, fluency and coherence which rose from 52.00 to 63.60, an increase of 11.60 percent and lexical resource which rose from 76.40 to 86.80, an increase of 10.40 percent respectively. As the result, the total score of English speaking tests before using English videos and after using English videos was increased from 59.60 to 75.40 percent




How to Cite

บุญบันดล ย., & สุนทรวิภาต ส. (2017). Using English Videos on YouTube to Develop Vocational Students’ Speaking Skills At Singburi Vocational College. Liberal Arts Review, 12(23), 1–9. Retrieved from



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