The Achievement of Most Venerable Sangwarn Khemako’s Teaching of Kammaṭṭhãna


  • พระครูสุวรรณวิจิตร (สมจิต สมจิตฺโต/คุ้มสมบัติ)


achievement and practices of Kammaṭṭhãna, the most venerable Sangwarn Khemako’s practical


The Research’s objectives are to study the practices of Kammaṭṭhãna in Buddhist
scriptures, the most venerable Sangwarn Khemako’s practical ways of Kammaṭṭhãna ,
and the achievement of most venerable Sangwarn Khemako’s teaching of Kammaṭṭhãna.
This is a qualitative research using in-depth interview.
An interest in such practice is particularly conducive to the practice of several
offi ces, such as the Watmahãdhãtuyuvarãjarangsarit’s nest by Phradham
madhĩrarãjamahãmunĩ (Jotaka ñãṇasiddhi) disciple of Mahãsĩsayãdaw Myanmar teachers
according to the principles of meditation. The teaching method was to be inflatablecollapse
but the most venerable Sangwarn Khemako found it difficult, so they chose
to create the certain meditation technique called ‘Buddho’ to teach because he was
skillful in this aspect. A lot of people are interested in meditation, both monks and the
householder. From Interviewing people who are involved in the story we know that the
form of meditation, ‘Buddho’ cause consequences in 5 aspects : (1) it is about faith;
such meditation technique has been bringing about strong faith to people, (2) it is
concerned with the precept; once people followed, the benefits of precept-observation
were found, (3) it is about hearing; the proper attention, practice and development of
insight meditation have been gradually cultivated, (4) it causes generosity; once properly
followed, people were agreeably persuaded to make certain donations, and (5) the
wisdom is established; the mentioned way of practice has been making many people
understanding the Buddha’s teaching and thereby inspiring them to do the right action.
The achievemen is that all 5 sides that are useful to society and themselves are reached,
so we should maintain a promotion impelled by meditation ensuring that, ‘Buddho’
remain with the Buddhists.


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How to Cite

(สมจิต สมจิตฺโต/คุ้มสมบัติ) พ. (2018). The Achievement of Most Venerable Sangwarn Khemako’s Teaching of Kammaṭṭhãna. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 13(26), 67–78. Retrieved from



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