The Application of Buddhadhamma Principle for Creating the Participation Model of the 25th Network School in Protecting and Correcting the Online Game Addiction Behavior of the Youth


  • สุภาพร ธวัชราภรณ์


This research aimed to study the problems of online game addiction behavior
of the 25th network school; to study the principles of Buddhadhamma to be applied
as the solution to problems of online game addiction behavior of Thai youths; and to
propose the participation model of the 25th network school in preverting and solving
the problem of online game addiction of the Thai youths in accordance with the
Buddhadhamma principles. This research is fulfilled by use of questionnaire and
The research found that the problems of online game addiction behavior of the 25th
school network are caused by the following 2 factors: (1) internal factors; they include
the personalities of children and the youths; and (2) external factors; they refer to family,
friends, and environments. The principles of Buddhadhamma concerning the solutions
of the problem of online game addiction behavior of Thai youths are the principles of
Yonisomanasikāra, Six Directions, Brahmavihãra (4 holy abiding or sublime states of
mind) and Sangahavatthu (4 bases of social solidarity). The participation models of the
25th network school in preverting and solving the problems of online game addiction
behaviour of the Thai youths in accordance with the Buddhadhamma principles are of:
(1) making children and the youths ashamed of doing improper things and also making
them morally fearful of doing improper things, which will consequently bring to them
good things, happiness, confidence, and pride; (2) making people surrounding children
and the youths thoughtful of loving-kindness, compassion, and sacrifice; (3) teaching
children and the youths including people around them to have helpful behaviors, which
will lead them to happiness and prosperity; and (4) inculcating the senses of amiability
and respectfulness to children and the youths including their families.
In this research, the results of application of Buddhadhamma affecting behaviours of
children and the youths clearly showed they were able to think in the right ways and
to perform their duties well due to having the sense of pride a nd confidence in
themselves, and making them adorable, admirable, and sociable to others. The results
of application of Buddhadhamma affecting behaviours of their fa milies also clearly
showed that parents love and care for their children, performing as role models for
their kids, observing sets of discipline and good practice giving rise to amiability and
encouragement to one another. Additionally, the results of application of Buddhadhamma
affecting behaviours of children and the youths at schools found that they are punctual
in coming to school and delivering their assignments are obedient, and dutiful. Also
they are encouraging their friends to behave the right ways and to stay in a good


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How to Cite

ธวัชราภรณ์ ส. (2018). The Application of Buddhadhamma Principle for Creating the Participation Model of the 25th Network School in Protecting and Correcting the Online Game Addiction Behavior of the Youth. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 13(26), 90–103. Retrieved from



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