The Management on Student Development Activities of School Administrators under the Jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Area 6, Samutprakan Province


  • ปรัชญา โชโต
  • ธีระดา ภิญโญ


management, student, development, activities


This study is a survey research aiming to: 1) study the level of management
on student development activities of school administrators; and 2) compare the
management classified by demographic characteristics. The population is teachers in
schools under the jurisdiction of the
Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Area 6, Samut Prakan Province. A
questionnaire is used for collecting data; and 350 sets are distributed to samples, applying
stratified random sampling method. The statistical package program is used to analyze
the data; and the statistical tools employed consist of frequency, percentage, mean,
SD, t-test, and one-way ANOVA – specifying the statistical significance value at .05. The
results are that; 1) the management on student development activities of school
administrators overall and individual aspect are at the high le vel, having policy
specification at the top one, followed by evaluation and outcome report, supervision
and monitoring, and promotion and support, respectively; 2) the gender makes a
difference in evaluation and outcome report at the level of .05 statistical significances;
3) the training background makes a difference in opinion towards the student development
activities overall and individual aspect in terms of policy specification, supervision and
monitoring, and promotion and support at the level of .05 statistical significances; and
4) age, educational background, and school size makes a difference in opinion towards
the student development activities overall and individual aspect in terms of policy
specification, supervision and monitoring, promotion and support, makes a difference
in opinion towards the student development activities overall and individual aspect in
terms of policy specification, supervision and monitoring, promotion and support, and
evaluation and outcome report at the level of .05 statistical significances.


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How to Cite

โชโต ป., & ภิญโญ ธ. (2018). The Management on Student Development Activities of School Administrators under the Jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Area 6, Samutprakan Province. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 13(26), 116–130. retrieved from



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