Mural painting at Chinese shrine:

The development of chinese art learning resource of Mae Klong Basin Community at Photharam Market, Ratchaburi Province


  • Hongbo Qin
  • ภรดี พันธุภากร


Chinese mural painting, Photharam market, Learning resources


This research focus on the mural painting at Chinese shrine, especially the
development of Chinese art learning resource of Mae Klong Basin Community at
Photharam Market. The research aims to Study the authenticity of the mural painting
at Chinese shrine in Photharam Market, which will provide a valuation of the mural
painting at Chinese shrine during the learning process, and a approach for Chinese art
resources management. The research found that the art style of mural painting at
Chinese shrine in Photharam Market, which was inherited from southern China during
the late Qing Dynasty and the early People’s Republic of China period. These mural
paintings are used as a median to cultivate the virtue of Confucius, Taoism and Mahayana
Buddhism and as sacred symbol of original Chinese belief. The value in the process of
learning mural painting is to cultivate morality, and organize social ethics. They ate
media for it is a medium of learning Chinese history and culture as well. Furthermore,
mural painting learning can create economic value for the community. The development
approaches should be based on the mural painting database of Chinese shrine. As a
source of learning for both inside and outside the community, mural painting can instill
good morals to people, and help develop cultural tourism and Chinese cultural products
output to increase income for the people in the community. There is no doubt that
people in the community shall play a major role in the mural painting learning process.


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How to Cite

Qin, H., & พันธุภากร ภ. (2018). Mural painting at Chinese shrine:: The development of chinese art learning resource of Mae Klong Basin Community at Photharam Market, Ratchaburi Province. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 13(26), 131–144. retrieved from



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