Yaowarat Chinese New Year Festival:

Background and Development


  • แสงอรุณ กนกพงศ์ชัย
  • ฤทธิชัย เตชะมหัทธนันท์


Background and Development, Chinese New Year Festival Yaowarat


The development of Yaowarat Chinese New Year Festival is in connection with the development of Thai society in many ways including political, economic, and sociocultural aspects. Each aspect is closely related to one another. 

           This research focuses on the Chinese community in Sampeng area during early Rattanakosin period when Bangkok city was established, continuing to the settlement of Chinese community in Yaowarat area which was founded in the reign of King Rama V as the most significant trading area of the country reflecting an eminent Chinese community in terms of people’s way of life, belief, arts, tradition, as well as physical features like household architectures and Chinese billboards along the street.  Therefore, Yaowarat is generally accepted as Thailand’s China Town.  According to an article mentioned about the Kingdom of Thailand in the reign of King Rama V, Chinese New Year at that time was seen as a lively celebration until the end of World War II in the period of Cold War when this festival became only an event among family members and relatives. Yaowarat Chinese New Year Festival; consequently, was celebrated quietly so as not to be outstanding and observed by authorities.  However, later after 1987, the Thai government began its policy of promoting tourism and considered Yaowarat Chinese New Year Festival as stimulating the country’s economy.  Also, Princess MahaChakriSirindhorn has been an important part in bringing Chinese New Year Festival in Yaowarat into an international recognition as a valuable and well-known annual event. Since 1987, Chinese New Year Festival in Yaowarat has been typically created to be a unique Chinese New Year celebration unlike any other countries in the world; for instance, a creative economic idea of annually designing clothes with Chinese zodiac year screens, community strengths, as well as occupational inheritance all of which have inspired a widespread educational trend of Chinese Studies.  It can be said that Yaowarat Chinese New Year Festival is another example of a conservation conducted in parallel with a development.


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How to Cite

กนกพงศ์ชัย แ., & เตชะมหัทธนันท์ ฤ. (2019). Yaowarat Chinese New Year Festival:: Background and Development. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 14(1), 35–44. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/larhcu/article/view/193142



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