Community Enterprise Success on the Basis Viability and Sufficiency


  • ชมภูนุท จั่นนุ้ย
  • พินิจ ลาภธนานนท์


Community Enterprise, Participation, Viability, Sufficiency, Self-sufficiency


This article has the objectives to studythe background, principles,goals, andthe work of community enterprisesthat ledtothe group’s successon the basis of survival and sufficiency. Also,itaimsto study the adaptation process and the operational directionof thecommunity enterprises in today's economic and social fluctuationas well as the trend of  the survival adaptation.This study uses  documentaryresearchtounderstandthebasics,conceptdetailedinformation, and field study. The research areas areGroup Rak Don-Chedicommunityenterprise inSuphanburi,BanChanodecommunity enterprise, andBan-klongyongLan-TakfahinNakhonPathom. This will lead to theunderstanding and analysis of their principles and processes.

The results indicated that the community enterprise’s success has3 major factors: (1) Leadership and virtue of the enterprise’s leader, (2) Members of group must have time to regularly participateinthe community enterpriseactivities, and (3) Participation and grouplearning of every member in the enterprise. Nevertheless, the real success needs a cleargoal settingof the enterprise which is viability and self-reliance. It makes members realize their wish, their duty, and their goal throughout the group process within the enterprise. They will ask for help from another organization only when necessary; which is mainly related to technology and marketing. Thisleads them to change their thinking process; which isto understand and prioritizework with the idea of self-sufficiency. Furthermore, the vision of the enterprise is to create another generation of members  bothinshort-term and long-term which areto teach them the goal and the processwithin the group, to give community and people knowledge, and to share this knowledge to another community. These determine that the enterprise will survive evenifthere are no former members.


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How to Cite

จั่นนุ้ย ช., & ลาภธนานนท์ พ. (2019). Community Enterprise Success on the Basis Viability and Sufficiency. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 14(1), 67–78. retrieved from



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