The Application of an Analytic Hierarchy Process and Development of Assessment Criteria inof Sustainable CompetitiveTourism of Subdistrict Administration Organizations


  • อนงค์นาถ ติ่งแตง
  • อัฐพล อัฐนาค
  • เสรี ชัดแช้ม
  • สิริกานต์ จันทเปรมจิตต์


competitiveness, sustainable tourism development, subdistrict administrations, analytic hierarchy process


The purpose of this research was to prioritize the components and indicators ofcriteria for assessing criteria in sustainablecompetitivetourism of subdistrictadministration organizations by using analytic hierarchical processes from 4 groups of experts, with 6 experts in total.Thecriteria consistedof seven components with 24 indicators:1) tourism management (0.251) (4 indicators) 2) leadership of local administration and human capital (0.1698) (2 indicators)3)tourism products and services innovation (0.1540)(3 indicators) 4) tourism marketing (0.1366)(4 indicators) 5) value and tourism knowledge management (0.119)(2 indicators) 6)sustainable tourism development (4 indicators) (0.1063) and 7)tourism destination competitiveness (0.0616)(5 indicators). The criteria reduce the ambiguity when experts priortizethe sustainable tourism destination competitiveness.The indicators are essential for assessing criteria in competitiveness of the sustainable tourism of the subdistrict administration organizations efficiently.


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How to Cite

ติ่งแตง อ., อัฐนาค อ., ชัดแช้ม เ., & จันทเปรมจิตต์ ส. (2019). The Application of an Analytic Hierarchy Process and Development of Assessment Criteria inof Sustainable CompetitiveTourism of Subdistrict Administration Organizations. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 14(1), 92–105. retrieved from



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