Self-efficacy Mobilizes toward Innovative Behavior


  • SUTHEERA NIMITNIWAT The Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession College of Education Science (CES) Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU)


Self-efficacy, Innovative Behavior


Self-efficacy is a cognitive process that occurs from the reciprocal manner by the dynamic interplay of 3 factors: personal, environmental, and behavioral section. That process influences the believes of one’s capability.   Self-efficacy is specific matter according to the content, context or circumstance in which a person is currently facing.  The innovative behavior consists of initiatives, ideation of new products or distinct concepts, dissemination, and implementation of those new ideas. The innovative behavior is another context in which innovators have different perceptions of their capabilities. The plenty of studies have illustrated that self-efficacy enhances, develops and maintains the desirable behaviors, excellent work performance, and better quality of life. In this article, the focuses are on how  self-efficacy can empower a person in terms of innovative behaviors, the additional factors which encourage innovative behaviors, and the factors that enhance the level of self-efficacy. The article is beneficial to design activities, plan management system, establish a strong teamwork, and create the supportive environment for innovative behaviors.


Author Biography

SUTHEERA NIMITNIWAT, The Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession College of Education Science (CES) Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU)

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How to Cite

NIMITNIWAT, S. (2021). Self-efficacy Mobilizes toward Innovative Behavior. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 14(2), 136–148. retrieved from



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