An Examination of Major Tourist Attractions in Chai Nat Province to Provide Information for Creating Tourism Added Value


  • ยุลดา ทรัพย์สมบูรณ์
  • วริยา ภัทรภิญโญพงศ์


Cultural Significance, Tourism Added Value


        The research examines major tourist attractions in Chai Nat province of Thailand, and aims to provide relevant information to assist in creating tourism added value for the region. A qualitative research method was employed to assess the cultural significance of tourism destinations. Local communities participated in identifying six major tourist attractions in Chai Nat province; Chai Nat Bird Park, Pak Khong Makham Thao Temple, Phra Borommathat Wora Wihan Temple, Thammamun Wora Wihan Temple, Chao Phraya Dam, and Muang Sankhaburi. A review of the preceding literature relating to cultural significance assessment was undertaken, and in-depth interviews were conducted to comprehend the cultural significance of tourism destinations. The data was analysed based on the concept of a cultural significance assessment, using seven categories; Aesthetic Value, Historical Value, Social Value, Environmental Value, Authenticity, Uniqueness and Identity.
        The study revealed that the cultural heritage features at four tourist attractions in Chai Nat province; Pak Khong Makham Thao Temple, Phra Borommathat Wora Wihan Temple, Thammamun Wora Wihan Temple, and Muang Sankhaburi were regarded as outstanding. In addition, the environmental values of the Chao Phraya Dam and Chai Nat Bird Park are rated on a national level. The study provides a useful assessment of the regions cultural significance for both tourism entrepreneurs and stakeholders in Chai Nat province. The results of the study are applicable and instrumental in providing tourism added value for Chai Nat province via the use of tourism interpretation and creative tourism management, in order to attract more tourists to visit Chai Nat province and maximise positive impacts of tourism.


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How to Cite

ทรัพย์สมบูรณ์ ย., & ภัทรภิญโญพงศ์ ว. (2019). An Examination of Major Tourist Attractions in Chai Nat Province to Provide Information for Creating Tourism Added Value. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 14(2), 1–14. Retrieved from



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