Overview and Characteristics of Central Thai literature: Project Synthesis of "The Directory of Central Thai Literature”


  • Aphilak Kasempholkoon Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University, Salaya, Phutthamonthon District, Nakhonpathom


Central region local literature, Written literature, Characteristics of central region local literature, Encyclopedia of central region local literature, Central region local literature, Written literature, Characteristics of central region local literature, Encyclopedia of central region local literature


            There are no clear studies of local Thai literature in the central region, including the scope, content, area of ​​study, and the integration of literature from various regional groups migrating to the central region. The purpose of this study is to focus on the overview of local literature in the central region as well as literature of various ethnic groups that reflect the multicultural society of the central region. The results show that the central region is divided into cultural areas covering 36 provinces and may also be divided into sub-regional areas such as the Gulf of Thailand's group, the upper central region's group. There are 2 types of letters used for recording: Thai characters and Khmer characters. In addition, there are the Mon characters of the Mon people, the Lanna Dhamma script of the Tai-Yuan people, and the northeastern Dharma scriptures of the Lao people. There are 2 types of characters used for recording: Thai characters and Khom characters. In addition, there are the Mon script of the Mon people, the Lanna Dharma script of the Tai-Yuan people, and the Esan Dharma script of the Lao people. Local literature in the central region includes both prose and poetry, especially poetry which are composed in Kap (กาพย์), followed by Klon (กลอน), Khlong (โคลง), Rai (ร่าย), and Chan (ฉันท์). Local written literature in the central region can be categorized into 9 categories which are Buddhist literature (วรรณคดีพระพุทธศาสนา), Doctrine literature (วรรณคดีคำสอน), Fiction literature (วรรณคดีนิทาน), Legendary literature (วรรณคดีตำนาน), Ritual literature (วรรณคดีประกอบพิธีกรรม), Drama literature (วรรณคดีการแสดง), Textbook literature (วรรณคดีตำรา), Nirat literature (วรรณคดีนิราศ), and Love Letter literature (วรรณคดีเพลงยาว). Local literature in the central region shows the beauty of language by creating words and idioms through various language strategies such as sound playing, word play, using images, and using symbols. In addition, it reflects the lifestyle and well-being, traditional beliefs and the Buddhist beliefs, as well as showing the traditions and rituals of the people in the central region. Finally it allows readers to understand the ways of life and local culture in the central region.


จุฑารัตน์ เหลือนาค (มปป.) การปริวรรตใบลานและสมุดข่อย. พิษณุโลก: ภาควิชาภาษาไทยและภาษาตะวันออก คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ พิษณุโลก.

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ตำราโหราศาสตร์ ยันต์และคาถา ตำราฉันทศาสตร์ ร้อยกรองประชันดนตรี (พลัด). สมุดไทยขาว เส้นหมึก ฉบับวัดแหลมมะขาม ต.แหลมมะขาม อ.แหลมงอบ จ.ตราด. (สำเนาเอกสารตัวเขียน)

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How to Cite

Kasempholkoon, A. (2020). Overview and Characteristics of Central Thai literature: Project Synthesis of "The Directory of Central Thai Literature”. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 15(2), 60–75. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/larhcu/article/view/242383



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