The Development of Marketing Mix of National Museums of Central Region of Thailand


  • Yanatorn Teanthaworn Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon.


Marketing Mix, National Museum


The aim of this research are to study the marketing mix and to find the way for developing the marketing mix of National Museum of Central Region of Thailand. The sample group used in this study was staff at the National Museum of Central Region (Chao Sam Phraya National Museum, King Narai National Museum, U Thong National Museum) and Thai tourists who came to visit in all three museums. The instrument used in this research was interviewed.

The research found that Products and services of the three national museums, products or antiques are interesting and distinctive in itself. The features of the museum focusing on educational services, providing information to those interested. Pricing of the three national museums, admission fees use in accordance with the regulations of the Fine Arts Department. Place of the three national museums, there are convenient transportation. Both private cars Public transport. Marketing promotion of the three national museums, there are books, brochures, brochures, and information systems through computer networks and online media. Personnel or staff of the three national museums, there are local people. They have good intentions, good service and beaming. Physical evidence of the three national museums, the building is quite old. The building should undergo modern display techniques. Process of the three national museums, most group visits would be contacted in advance for organizing a guest speaker.

Suggestions for developing the marketing mix of National Museum of Central Region of Thailand. Products and services should consider the enjoyment of learning for visitors. Including the interpretation of sign details. Place should increase the size of the signpost to the museum. Marketing promotion should publicize through various online media and should organize creative learning activities. Physical evidence should improve modern display techniques. Process should add a tourist service center for inform the museum rules for visitors.


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How to Cite

Teanthaworn, Y. . (2020). The Development of Marketing Mix of National Museums of Central Region of Thailand. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 15(2), 119–133. Retrieved from



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