The Development of E-Books with The Use of Conceptual Mind Mapping to Enhance Reading Comprehension Skills of Fourth Grade Students on Aesop's Fables


  • Jinsujee Prathantheerakul Faculty of Education, Naresuan University
  • Kobsook Kongmanus Faculty of Education, Naresuan University


Electronic Book, Reading for Main Idea, Mind Mapping, Aesop’s Fables


              This research aims to (1) create e-books in conjunction with creating conceptual mind mapping to promote reading comprehension skills from Aesop’s fables. (2) To study the reading comprehension skills of 4th grade students with emphasis on reading the main idea. (3) To study students' satisfaction with e-books together with the use of mind mapping to promote reading comprehension from Aesop's fables. The sample group of 30 4th grade students at Rai Oi Dara School, Uttradit Province were selected by using purposive sampling. The research instruments included 1) The Aesop’s Fables e-books 2) pre-test and post-test, and (3) the students satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were percentages, mean and standard deviation. The results of the study revealed that 1) the efficiency of the Aesop’s Fables e-books: The Goatherd and the Goat, An Angry Donkey, The Rats and the Weasels, a Man and Bamboos, and Tiger and Lion overall were found at the high level ( gif.latex?\bar{\chi&space;} = 4.07, S.D. = 0.48). 2) The students’ reading ability for main idea on the creation of the mind mapping had an average of 82.22 which met the 80% criteria. While the students’ reading ability for main idea on storytelling had an average of 80.50 which met the 80% criteria. 3) The satisfaction of 4th grade students towards using the Aesop’s Fables e-books was found at the high level ( gif.latex?\bar{\chi&space;} = 4.08, S.D. = 0.20).


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How to Cite

Prathantheerakul, J. ., & Kongmanus, K. . (2020). The Development of E-Books with The Use of Conceptual Mind Mapping to Enhance Reading Comprehension Skills of Fourth Grade Students on Aesop’s Fables. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 15(2), 156–166. retrieved from



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