Marketing Promotion for Agro-tourism Khlong Song Village, Nonthaburi Province
Market Promotion, Agro-tourism, Khlong Song Village Nonthaburi Province, Market Promotion, Agro-tourism, Khlong Song Village Nonthaburi ProvinceAbstract
The objectives of this research are 1) to study and analyze the marketing mix of agricultural tourism in Khlong Song village and 2) to determine the guidelines for promoting the agricultural tourism market of Khlong Song village, Nonthaburi province, by using mixed methods, comprising qualitative and quantitative research. The sample group of the study were nine people involved in agricultural tourism in Khlong Song village and 400 tourists who travelled to Khlong Song village. The research results showed that tourists expressed the opinion on the marketing mix of the agricultural tourism of Khlong Song village which has the highest agreed score on the product (= 4.29), followed by the price (
= 3.99), distribution channel (
= 3.91) and the marketing promotion (
= 3.23). Majority of the tourists, who travelled to experience agricultural tourism, were people aged 21-30 years, employees in a company with the income between 10,001-20,000 baht per month, and domiciled in Bangkok and metropolitan area. Most of the tourists traveled for the first time and didn't stay overnight, since they are only traveling for a one day trip. Thus, it is possible to determine the guidelines for promoting agricultural tourism marketing in Khlong Song village with target group (a working tourist living in Bangkok and metropolitan area) for the agricultural tourism market, Khlong Song village, Nonthaburi province, by 1) promoting the market through modern technology systems with entrance fee discount from the check-in points at the agricultural tourist attractions in Khlong Song village, Nonthaburi province; 2) presenting agricultural tourist attractions to tourists through media, such as public relations through government and private agencies (such as TAT website or Nonthaburi office) and 3) creating online platform to promote agricultural tourist attractions, such as Facebook Fanpage to facilitate the searching of information and communicating with tourist attractions.
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