A Study of Cognition and Factors Affecting Learning Thai Culture of Chinese Exchange Students in Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


  • Wilai Thamvaja Faculty of Liberal Arts, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


Thai culture, Learning, Exchange students


          This research aims to: 1) study the level of Thai culture knowledge for Chinese exchange students, 2) study factors affecting Thai culture learning of Chinese exchange students, and 3) study guidelines for development of teaching management of Thai Culture for Chinese exchange students using a mixed method. The sample consisted of 45 Chinese exchange students and 5 teachers in Thai language and culture class.    The research tools used were test, questionnaire, and an interview. The statistics used were the mean, standard deviation, frequency value, percentage and the dependent t-test.    

          The results of this study revealed that: 1) The knowledge’s level about Thai culture of Chinese exchange students were in average of 73.73 percent, good level, had a statistically higher scores than before learning with 0.01 level of significance. 2) Supporting factors affecting Thai culture learning of Chinese exchange students can be rank from the highest to the lowest level as follows: teacher factor, teaching management factor, learner factor, and environmental factor. 3) The guidelines for the development of teaching management of Thai culture for Chinese exchange students show that learners should develop Thai communication skills. In addition, teachers should develop second and third language communication skills, revise content to match the skill level of the learners, and create an atmosphere conducive to learning Thai Culture and use surrounding environment as a base for learning Thai culture.


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How to Cite

Thamvaja, W. (2021). A Study of Cognition and Factors Affecting Learning Thai Culture of Chinese Exchange Students in Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 16(2), 1–17. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/larhcu/article/view/251303



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