Pragmatic Aspects and Semantic Denotations of Exceptional Case Marking Constructions in English Novels, English Applied Linguistics Articles and English Magazines


  • Abhinan Wongkittiporn College of Liberal Arts, Rangsit University



ECM constructions, Pragmatic Aspects, Semantic Denotations


This study examined pragmatic aspects and semantic denotations of exceptional case marking (ECM) constructions in English novels, English applied linguistics articles, and English magazines, while previous studies focusing on ECM constructions selected the data from a corpus, such as British National Corpus (BNC) and EFL learners’ writing. The six novels examined in this study, were The Hobbit (Tolkien, 2020), Persuasion (Austen, 2020), Dracula (Stoker, 2020), Sherlock Holmes (Doyle, 2021), Frankenstein (Shelly, 2022), and The Return of Sherlock Holmes (Doyle, 2022). Not only are they best-seller novels, but also the contents in these novels are suitable for everyone to read. The data of English applied linguistics articles were collected from international academic journals which were the English for Academic Purposes, English for Specific Purposes, PASSA, LEARN Journal, Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, rEFLections, and HASSS being high-quality journals as indexed in the Scopus database. The data of English magazines were derived from National Geographic and Harvard Business Review. From a total of 450,000 words, with 150,000 words for each dataset, 39 tokens were found.  The framework of ECM constructions in this study follows Radford’s (2009) English sentence structures. The pragmatic aspects of ECM constructions in English novels are explained by the economy principle and the end-weight principle. The use of ECM constructions is formulaic with such examples as believe someone to be and expect someone to do. The semantic denotations of ECM constructions in this study are explained by subjectivity and subsequent events. It is expected that the results of this study will be beneficial for learners of English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as Foreign Language (EFL) in terms of learning theory and use of the ECM constructions in English novels, English applied linguistics articles and English magazines.


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How to Cite

Wongkittiporn, A. (2022). Pragmatic Aspects and Semantic Denotations of Exceptional Case Marking Constructions in English Novels, English Applied Linguistics Articles and English Magazines. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 17(2), 32–58.



Research Articles